Weight Loss After Giving Up Diet Soda

While you may have started drinking diet soda to facilitate weight loss, quitting it may actually do the trick a recent nine-year study found older adults who drank diet soda continued to pack on. Weight loss after giving up diet soda. The art of losing: giving up diet soda i'm so addictive, i could get hooked on carrot sticks posted mar 03, 2011.

weight loss after giving up diet soda

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Apart from a higher risk of obesity, eight years after the original study, the soda drinkers who drank one or more diet sodas a day were also found to have their average waist circumference. There are many people who drink diet soda because they want to support their own weight loss efforts, but the fact is that quitting this drink will provide more results. a study that was focused on adult people who regularly had diet soda has shown that their belly fat is increasing even when they start following some diet.. However, even though diet soda is calorie-free, its other ingredients can make it easy for you to gain weight. "although diet sodas are aimed at those looking to manage their weight and achieve weight loss, they are often the number one culprit sabotaging your diet," health, fitness, and nutrition expert jenny abouobaia told me..

more info weight loss after giving up diet soda ---> click here


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